Two awards were presented at the conference.
•The 432 MHz and Above Newsletter had its start back in the fall of 1971 by Al Katz, K2UYH as a means of coordinating EME skeds. A sked coordinator would take requests from the EME operators and coordinate monthly schedules and send to Al for the newsletter. Al would then publish the next month’s skeds and also provide a summary of the previous month’s activities. Over the years the news and reports increased and technical notes were added. Back then we would keep a supply of envelopes on hand with Al. Today the newsletter is available on the internet thanks to Rein W6SZ at The sked service started primarily for the 432 MHz EME operator and gradually grew to 1296 MHz and higher frequencies as interest increased. The newsletter has been a phenomenal service to the 432 MHz and above community and continues monthly to this day. For his efforts the 14th International EME Conference would like to present to Al Katz K2UYH this award in appreciation of his efforts for producing the 432 MHz and Above Newsletter for nearly 40 years and his continuous devotion to Earth-Moon-Earth Communications.
As many of you know, the 432 MHz and Above EME NET, has been in operation on 20M since the 70s when it was first started by Joe W1JR. Numerous other hams including K5JL who is in the audience have also run the NET but none have put forth the extreme effort that Joe K1RQG has put in to being NET control since 1985. Joe has been handling skeds for various stations and DX peditions and has been taking checkins worldwide from his station in Maine. For 25 years, he has run a NET that has been a source of great technical information and discussion. For his efforts the 14th International EME Conference would like to present to Joe Demaso K1RQG this award in appreciation of his efforts as NET control of the 432 MHz and Above EME NET. Thank you Joe for being there and wish you were here.